

Chania | New impressive images from the lighting of the tree in the Venetian Port

With the good weather as an ally and their festive mood as their main supply, fellow citizens of all ages, especially many families, responded to the call of the Municipality of Chania, attending the lighting ceremony of the new Christmas tree, in the square next to the Giali Mosque in the Venetian Port.

From early on, Philharmonic tunes, under the guidance of the conductor, Pavlos Bailakis, and songs from the Children’s Choir of the Municipality, with Nikos Perrakis on the piano, created a festive atmosphere.

Afterwards, the mayor of Chania, Panagiotis Simandirakis , wished all those present, on behalf of the Municipal Authority, that this year’s Christmas will be brighter, with light and love, despite the problems of everyday life and the adversities of the pandemic. In fact, Mr. Simandirakis, referring to the effort made, did not fail to thank everyone who worked for this impressive result and the festive decoration from one end to the other of the Municipality.

This was followed by the countdown and the lighting of the Christmas tree, with impressive fireworks lighting up the Chanio sky, in the spirit of the celebration.


Archaeological Museum of Chania


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